Tag Archives: wrapper

Chika Thought: Eye candy and the wrappers

Sounding bitter? Not really 😛

So I’m just an ordinary girl who may also spot some eye candy littered everywhere. These candies may have different styles.

Some may be smart looking, wearing very smart looking clothes plus the glasses. (I wear glasses as well but it’s because I can’t see clearly, not just to look smart. 😛 ) Others may have these casual apparels, making them appear nice and approachable. Still others wear these emo or goth getup that gives them a mysterious bad boy look which some girls totally dig.

No matter what the getup is, eye candy is an eye candy. However, I can’t also help but notice the wrappers they have with them. And by wrappers, I mean literally and figuratively. These wrappers are seen having the same styles as the candies. Also they can be seen  wrapping their arms around the eye candies. You know what I mean. hehe. And because of them, the time spent on checking out the candies can sometimes be cut short. It won’t be fun to be stuck in a sticky situation.

So just be wary of those eye candies. Their wrappers might just be around somewhere 😉