Tag Archives: thoughts

Day 3 of 365 Days of Wonder


It’s actually a kind of wonder how it seems like my drowsiness is disappearing when I write on my blog. I can’t really stay up very late because I feel like I really deserve a good night’s sleep. The kid’s energy may be bouncing all around but they sure do take a part of mine. So here’s the third precept:

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind, the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” – Henry James

I know it’s very obvious that he wants to really emphasize just one thing – to be kind. I have read in Haleigh’s blog that she doesn’t have to perfect, she just have to be kind. Which I totally agree especially when it comes to dealing with kids. Sometimes I’m surprised at how easily they can get along with other people. But if you just truly look at it, it’s because the person around them are being kind to them. This makes it easier for kids to trust them and feel at ease. I feel like I’m being kind. I mean really, although I think I’m becoming too much at times. But it’s because I really believe in being kind and understanding than being right. It may sound like I don’t stand up for anything. I do. But it doesn’t mean that I have to make other people swallow a concrete wall just because they have to be like me. I can easily let people say what they want and I’ll just walk away. Of course deep inside I can also feel emotions. But I don’t let it all out just so others will know I’m affected. There are numerous times when I feel like I should say something. But when I let things flow naturally without trying to go against it, everything just turns out all right. So just be kind.

A little extra something:

I’m trying to follow Yoon Si Yoon’s ways. So I’m writing 5 things I’m thankful for everyday. =) Fighting!

Day 2 of 365 Days of Wonder

credits: Gurupop

Yay! I’m able to write down my thoughts again!

Here’s the Day 2 of 365 Days of Wonder:

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl

When I was still new to the service, I used to look up at the skies and appreciate how the clouds are formed. They are there everyday and yet everyday is not the same. I usually acknowledge how wonderful is the Creator of these daily masterpieces. (Ok, I am totally distracted with the gif I placed above!) Anyway, I just confirmed a surprising news today. Looks like we’ll have another fella joining our group of friends this March. The rest of us were hoping for a news of a wedding actually, but well. And it’s one of the greatest magic of life for me. I know the science behind this but it’s still quite wonderful to think of this as some magical happening.

Actually, I see a lot of things happening around me as magical. You know, just how could these things fall into their proper places. This precept is quite similar to the one yesterday. It’s mostly about being in awe at the things around you. Likewise, it also strikes me as exploring more and believing that there’s so much more in this world than what we can see. I believe there’s magic everywhere and it takes one person who believes in magic to see it. (Ugh, not making much sense at the moment. I’ll be back to work tomorrow so I need to sleep early and wake up early. Plus the rain always reminds of power outage. And it’s raining now. So much for positive thinking haha) Don’t worry Mr. Dahl, I’ll always have my glittering eyes on and continue seeing the magic of this world. This is one of the reasons why I always want to travel. (Looking forward to Japan!)

My extra something:

The guy above there is Yoon Si Yoon or Yoon Dong Gu for 2 Days 1 Night! I’m hoping to see him one day. And I’ll make him as the model of my thoughts everyday! He is one of the magic I always like witnessing. He’s not just a pretty face but so much more!!! =)

Chicka Thought: Despite the Mud

So yeah, my left shoe was dirtier than my right shoe.

When I was younger, every time something goes wrong, no matter how small the matter was, I would feel very bad and end up crying. It may have been to prevent myself from being scolded or it’s just that I have a very soft heart ( hehe).

The foot in the mud incident made me think about another thing. After my foot got in the mud, I breathed deeply and sighed. Then when I showed it to my colleagues, I laughed a little. This reaction would not have taken place if this had happened when I was young. I would have then burst our crying because of my dirty shoe. But last Friday, I was just like “Oh well”.

I can’t stop walking because of a dirty shoe. No matter how dirty the  shoe or the shoes get, I still can walk in them. These may look funny and catch some attention of passers by which makes them ask or comment about it, but the shoes still serve its purpose. And that’s what matters. I can just wash my shoes and feet later anyway.

There was one driver who actually asked me about my shoe. He said, “Did you really swim on the mud to get your shoe that dirty?” The driver said it jokingly, so I just replied with a laugh. He laughed a little too. Glad to have my dirty shoe made someone laugh a little.

Chika Thought: A Foot in the Mud

It really feels great to be home!

So we had to trek down the mountain last Friday. I’m usually the first one in the line and always trying to go fast. Sometimes I do it just to check how fast I can go, sometimes it’s so I can see if I can go faster than the others.

Last Friday was no difference. We went down, and I was up front. I really enjoy having to choose where to put my foot and what rock would adequately support my weight.

The whole trek down was quite easy for me. I managed to prevent my shoes from getting very dirty with all the puddle and mud after the rain. Not until we were a couple of steps away from our destination where we will ride a vehicle leading to the city.

I was somehow praising myself the whole time at how I can quickly decide where to land each of my foot. I also praised myself at how fast I can go despite the people’s perception of me being a weakling. These thoughts kept on repeating on my mind when I suddenly stepped on a very soft soil which I thought was still firm enough despite the rain. And so I got one of my foot relatively deep in the mud.

Then my colleagues found another path, of course it was a better one. I let them lead the way from that point onward. This circumstance made me think: I have been so boastful, even if it was just on my thoughts. I was pulled back to the ground, literally and figuratively.

Chika Thought: Beware of guys wearing shades

Coz I thought there was an Ian Somerhalder behind his shades. =P

Hehe.. This is written in good spirits after having quite a funny experience which no one had noticed but which I’m going to share vaguely.

Shades can add to the mystery of the identity of the person wearing it. This mystery may be revealed as a surprise or as a disappointment.

Before starting making a lot of fuss about a guy because of how good looking he is in his shades, imagining him without it can make a difference.

There are certain  people that look stunning with or without shades. Sometimes, generalizing that all people who wear shades or at least most of them, are good looking only misleads us. I somehow thought of today as this one. I was wrong! Haha…

Then again, if what is hidden behind those shades reveals a less appealing view, at least you have enjoyed even for just a short time while he was wearing his shades.

Besides, beauty can be relevant anyway. =)


Chika Thought: Physically silent, Mentally loud

I finally made time!

The past week had been a bit crazy when it comes to things to finish. Work kind of piled up and shedding it down to manageable chunks was such a challenge.

While I was working on that, my mind also gathered so many thoughts. These thoughts circled on my mind, flashing back and forth, trying to get attention. My attention at that time was mostly focused on the things I need to do. So these thoughts slowly settled down and somewhat disappeared.

If I have written down my thoughts at that time, I would have made better sense. But my thoughts are everywhere right now and this is all I could come up with.

Anyway, the physically silent, mentally loud phrase is what I would mostly use to describe myself. I’m not much of a talker coz sometimes I believe I can’t make much sense when I talk. Nobody complained about it yet though. My messages must still have gotten to them up to this time.

Another reason why I don’t talk much is that many people would love to talk, but few are willing to listen. I don’t want to take up the time that they’re supposed to use in talking, so I ended up being mostly quiet. Then the thoughts I have gathered during the time that they’re talking are poured out in blogs like this one. Yep, most of what I write here are the thoughts that came up while listening to other people talk.

I prefer writing than talking, because at least people would have a choice. If I talk, they would have to show me that they’re listening or else it would be quite rude on my part, though I don’t really mind. But when I write, I am able to express whatever even if the people are interested to know about it or not. I wouldn’t really need a live audience to listen to what I am saying at the moment for they will be able to read about them somewhere anyway.

It’s not that I hate people, it’s just I believe I can share more of myself when I’m writing. So when I’m silent while you’re talking, it’s because I’m taking in it. Your words might spark some thoughts in me which will end up being written here.

Happy to have written once more! =)
