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You made me think…

This just popped out of my mind after reading a post from a guy who had his heart broken (or so I think).

Usually, I see guys as just what they appear to be: carefree, happy-go-lucky, just always chillin’… then after I read a specific post from this guy who had poured out his emotions and questions concerning the way their relationship ended, I was made to think: “Guys feel this way too?” It’s kind of weird for me, honestly. Maybe it is quite a surprise for me because I know this guy as someone who is being Arctic cool. It could also be because guys tend to give out that vibe of not caring when in reality their emotions are just hidden somewhere deep and just let out to their own bffs. But anyway, it was quite refreshing to read his post. His mind might always be in chaos, his linguistic expressions are the opposite.

He stopped posting for a while though. Maybe it would take another heavy heartbreak to bring him back to his page. =P