Category Archives: Teacher’s Thoughts

Teacher’s Thoughts: Being thanked for

I’ll make good use of this free time!

Valentine’s Day wasn’t able to make it on a weekday. However, I somehow managed to bring some of its essence to the kids by telling them little details about how Valentine’s day came to be. I also have them make Valentine’s Day cards without having to receive some from them. I made them pick out a name from rolled pieces of paper to which they will give their cards. Some of my pupils complained that they have picked out the name of their naughty classmate. I told them, in their letter, they can put there the things they want to say before they graduate next month. It somehow made a positive result as they were able to give advises and express their thoughts in their own level. My class’ Valentine’s Day cards just revolved around them. I still received some from other classes though. What they have written on the cards made me think.

Most of the pupils thanked me for teaching them things like teaching them how to read and teaching them songs. It made me think: “Should they really be thanking me?” I mean, I’m a teacher, that’s what teachers do, teach. And not just teach but also encourage the learners to discover and learn more. Also, we are being paid for what we do. But to these kids, it must have meant something more. Sometimes I think it’s just about so they can write something in their cards. But there are some that really seem to be sincere as they have even written the letter in our dialect so they can express themselves more.

I’m not saying the pupils should not be thankful. It does take great effort to deliver the service they deserve. But I just find it quite amusing to hear it from elementary kids. To me, it seems like I’m just doing what I should be doing. But to them, it may come across as something else, something more meaningful.

So if at times that we teachers, may find our work too much to bear, think of our learners. They appreciate and see the importance of what we do, whether they may explicitly express it or not.

It’s nearing summer vacation! =)

Teacher’s Thought: On remembering and being remembered

It’s Christmas time!

I have only been a teacher for more than a year but I have already taught in two schools. The first one was just a part-time job but somehow it didn’t feel like it.

I was relatively young when I started teaching at that school. My interaction with my pupils just felt like I’m interacting with my younger siblings. (I don’t have one, actually. I’m the youngest. There’s just only two of us.)

I was assigned at the primary level. So my pupils were these cuties who always keep things interesting every single day. They pop questions that may sometimes catch you off guard and most of the time, simply amuse you.

However, I also have some interaction with the students in the secondary level. They somehow became my friends. I don’t have a subject with them but I still get to talk to them being an adviser of an organization of which they are members and officers.

We have spent so many times together and have talked about almost anything they could think of. It was so much fun being with them. But then, as a teacher, you can’t be with them for a very long time. They move on to the next level, and you remain where you are, they’re teacher.

After a year of being employed in the first school, I transferred to a different one. My pupils moved on to their next grade level and my students moved on to their last year in high school. I wasn’t able to visit them since then. And ever since, I have always thought of them. I don’t know if it’s weird, but they have a strong hold of my heart. And I miss them.

When people say the teaching profession is easy, well I guess you can say that. What makes it more challenging is the fact that it involves kids, teenagers, people. And when working with people, you get to know their personalities, likes, dislikes, dreams, the real them. These give you the connection to their lives. When this connection is lessen because of their moving forward, an empty space is left.

I really miss the kids. Every year would be like torture as you watch the kids grow and slowly being separated from you. But all you can do is watch them reach for their dreams and hope and pray for their success. I don’t know if this feeling of missing your kids at school is only true to those who are new in the service. All I know, is that it definitely feels great to be remembered by them as it is to remember them.

Merry Christmas! Thanks to our students who stopped by at our house and gave us their Christmas cheer. Here’s someone hoping to not completely lose connection. =)